
Monday, April 15, 2013

Thank you

Thank you for reading this blog this year. It has been an interesting experiment.

As we head into spring/summer term, and all the students head out of town, it'll get a litte quiet around here. AST 305 will be undergoing some revision over the summer as well, so we'll have to see what happens to this blog. Hopefully, we'll see you in September.

In the meantime, have a wonderful summer.

Clear skies!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Last call for your input...

If you've been reading this, please take just a minute to fill out this very short evaluation. Really, it's very short!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

W13 evaluation request

We have come to the end of another semester, so it is time once again to ask your help!

Please take a moment to evaluate this blog. We really will be using the evaluation results, not only to determine if our student blogger did a good job, but also to determine if we want to continue this project in the future. So please, really, take a moment to give us your feedback by April 12. I promise to read every word of it.

Thanks for reading,